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Festival of Place Agenda 2024

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The Pineapples at Playbox

Green Living: Project presentations from Nottingham Energiesprong ; Brent Cross West ; and West End Project

Thursday, 04 Jul 202412:00 - 12:45The Pineapples at Playbox
Dominique Staindl
South Facing
Tim South
LDA Design
Richard Wilson
Regeneration and Place Strategic Lead
Camden Council
Lucas Lawrence
Studio Egret West
James Ramsay
Programme Manager
London Borough of Barnet
Suzanne Davenport
Studio Partington
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Project presentations from Nottingham Energiesprong, Nottingham, for Nottingham City Homes ; Brent Cross West, London Borough of Barnet, for Barnet Council and Related Argent ; and West End Project, London Borough of Camden, for Camden Council, chaired by Dominique Staindl, Founder, South Facing.


Nottingham Energiesprong, Nottingham, for Nottingham City Homes, presented by Suzanne Davenport, Associate Studio Partington 

Along West Walk, Keswick Street and Camden Close, 136 occupied council properties have been renovated as insulated, low maintenance near ‘net zero operational energy’ homes, after the local authority won £5m from the EU’s European Regional Development Fund. The 1960s non-traditional concrete cross wall homes were each completed in 12 days, with the retrofits intended to extend the lives of the housing by 60 years.


Brent Cross West, London Borough of Barnet, for Barnet Council and Related Argent presented by Lucas Lawrence, Company Director at Studio Egret West and James Ramsay, Programme Manager for Brent Cross at Barnet Council

Brent Cross West is the first mainline station to open in London in over a decade. Barnet is the first local authority in England to deliver a rail infrastructure project, securing £419 million of central government funding for the realisation of a 650 sqm site with four platforms. The station acts as a gateway to Brent Cross Town, the 73ha, £8bn net zero park town being delivered in partnership with Related Argent.


West End Project, London Borough of Camden, for Camden Council presented by Richard Wilson, Regeneration and Place Strategic Lead at Camden Council and Tim South, Associate at LDA Design

Camden Council’s £35m investment into the area around London’s Tottenham Court Road aims to dramatically enhance urban public space. The project reclaims road space for 0.7 hectares of new parks, squares and incidental pocket plazas and the re-imagining of 0.3 hectares of existing space. Removing the one-way systems and reducing traffic on Tottenham Court Road, Gower Strees and planting plan for over 1,000m2 of new beds and borders supports an expansion of soft landscaping in the Capital.


The Pineapples: A selection of placemaking projects from across the UK, chosen to showcase the wide range of work taking place right now, presented by developers, architects, local authorities, charities, community groups and landscape professionals. All projects were shortlisted at The Pineapples 2024 awards for place.


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  • Climate Resilience,  25-26 November 2024
  • Festival of Pineapples, 25-27 February 2025
  • Social Impact, 31 Mar - 1 April 2025
  • Festival of Place, 2 July 2025


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