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Festival of Place Agenda 2024

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Workshops at Fanbox

Workshop: Opportunities to prioritise health impact in urban design and development

Thursday, 04 Jul 202411:40 - 12:40Workshops at Fanbox
Harry Knibb
Development Director
Oxford Properties
Martha Jordan
Postgraduate researcher
University of Bath
Dr Sophie Turnbull
Research Fellow
Bristol Medical School (PHS), University of Bristol
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According to our research, despite agreeing that health is important, there are three strong reasons for inertia on health in urban development:​ insufficient power to make necessary changes, culture within the industry that slow down/ prevent innovation​, and professionals are not sure on the specifics of what to do.  


The session will explore the challenges integrating health into urban development, and opportunities to overcome them. This will include a talk and discussion around:  


·      Health and social value 

·      Evidence-based links between the urban environment and health. This will be illustrated by data from the HAUS tool (developed by the TRUUD team); providing information on the cost of health impacts resulting from the urban environment. 

·      Risks and benefits of prioritising health. 

·      Examples of how organisations are taking action to prioritise health in urban development. 

·      Signposting to helpful resources to support the prioritisation of health. 


Supported by 





  • Climate Resilience,  25-26 November 2024
  • Festival of Pineapples, 25-27 February 2025
  • Social Impact, 31 Mar - 1 April 2025
  • Festival of Place, 2 July 2025


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